How Digestive Disorders Qualify For Disability And Social Security In Fort Worth, TX

by | Apr 1, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Adults and children who suffering from chronic digestive diseases may be eligible for social security disability benefits. The state of Texas does recognize these disorders as disabilities based on their severity and the extent in which they cause frequent debilitation. If the condition meets the eligibility requirements outlined by the DDS and SSA, then the patient should submit a claim for Disability and Social Security in Fort Worth TX.

What are Digestive System Conditions that Qualify?

Any condition that is linked to or causes gastrointestinal hemorrhages, including but not limited to liver dysfunction or as a result of inflammatory bowel disease, and similar intestinal conditions qualify as a disability. These conditions lead to severe bleeding and inflammation that render the individual debilitated and in frequent and extreme pain.

Assessment of Qualifying Digestive System Conditions

The DDS and SSA require a full assessment of these conditions to determine whether surgery or medications may control symptoms. This report should show whether a remedy of the condition through these methods is short or long-term in nature. It must also establish whether the individual may require IV-based nutrition to sustain them. Any side effects that are probable due to prescribed treatment should be included in the assessment. This allows these agencies to identify the severity of the condition and whether it is a permanent disability.

Evidence Required

In terms of conditions that are linked to gastrointestinal hemorrhaging, the individual must provide medical evidence, which shows a record of a blood transfusion every thirty-days within a six-month period or longer for him or her. They must list signs of low blood pressure, fainting, or other related symptoms implying that a transfusion was required to sustain them.

Conditions that lead to peritonitis such as those affecting the liver or colon are deemed as a disability due to the life-threatening nature of the disorder. They would need to produce medical records that prove that they have experienced it or other related conditions such as perforation of the bowel. Any individual with a history of this infection may qualify for disability and social security in Fort Worth TX.

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