When It Is Time To Seek A Custody Attorney In Harrisburg

by | Apr 22, 2013 | Lawyers

People all over the world get married and fall in love. However, marriage is never a guarantee and sometimes seeking a custody attorney in Harrisburg is the best route to take. Most people are not prepared to deal with divorce. Issues such as child custody, property division, who gets the house? What to do with joint bank accounts are all deciding factors in a divorce. With that said, having a qualified attorney on your side is always a good idea.

If there are minor children involved, child custody issues can become a big part of the divorce procedure. This can be stressful and emotionally draining. When both parents are not able to reach an agreement, they should contact a custody attorney Harrisburg who has extensive experience litigating child custody trials. A qualified attorney will have plenty of experience settling child custody cases without a formal custody trial. Experienced custody attorneys understand how courts determine custody and they will do everything they can to see that both parents reach a fair agreement in the child or children’s best interest. Once a child custody case goes to the courts. The judge will base his/her decisions on many factors. These factors can include allegations of substance abuse, domestic violence or any evidence of child abuse. Once the parenting plan is accepted by a judge, it becomes a court order and must be obeyed.


Most people do not think about the procedures involved with child custody decisions. In fact, they do not realize that most custody procedures can be resolved outside a courtroom. Some parents are able to work things out and reach an agreement out of a courtroom. They can do this by drafting an agreement themselves. This type of mutual agreement is acceptable to the court once it is approved. The judge’s decision will be based on whether the plan meets the best interests of the child or children involved.

Most child custody cases are resolved through mediation. In this process, a mediator will meet with the parents to help them settle their disputes. This provides both parents with the opportunity to serve their child’s best interests in a civil manner. Mediators do not have the power to make any decisions on behalf of the parents. They can only assist them and make recommendations. In most cases, parents have to attend mediation as a first attempt to resolve any child custody issues. If an agreement is not reached during mediation, then a custody attorney in Harrisburg may be needed to resolve the issues.

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