Are You in Need of a Sedation Dentist in Redding?

by | Nov 11, 2013 | Dental Services

If you suffer from fears and anxieties associated with receiving dental care, you’re not alone. With more than 100 million Americans struggling with some form of dental fear or anxiety, it is necessary that you still receive dental care anyway. Many Americans avoid the dentist because of traumatic experiences as children, or even through the common misconceptions associated with various dental procedures. Whatever the reason, many people stop looking for routine dental care because they are afraid of the possible consequences. If you need a simple dental checkup, repair or a tweak for a brand new smile, now is the time to see your dentist and put your fears behind you by scheduling a visit with a Sedation Dentist in Redding.
What is IV Sedation?
Conscious sedation, also known as IV sedation, is when a drug is given through the IV to help a patient relax during dental procedures. Conscious sedation is sometimes called “twilight sleep” or “sleep dentistry.” During sedation, you are not completely asleep, but will keep a small memory of the appointment, making it seem as though you were asleep. Providing patients with an IV drug is safer and more accurate than taking a pill, as it can allow your dentist to check your level of comfort and sedation with more precision. It also makes it easier for your dentist to reverse the sedation at any time, unlike oral medications.
Benefits of IV Sedation
Some of the main advantages of IV sedation:

  • It tends to be the method of choice if you do not want to be aware of the procedure;
  • The onset of action is very rapid;
  • Dosage of drugs and the level of sedation can be tailored to meet your individual needs;
  • The maximum level of sedation, which can be reached with IV, is deeper than with oral sedation or inhalation;
  • Gag reflex is greatly diminished; and
  • Can be ideal for people with dental phobia or anxiety or dental injections.

Talk to your Sedation Dentist in Redding for more information on how sedation dentistry can help you with your next dental appointment. Sedation is not for everyone, but with appropriate consultation, your dentist will provide you with the proper treatment plan. Click Here for more information.

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