Benefits of Using Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

by | Nov 21, 2014 | Uncategorized

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is a safe and sure way of replacing hormones that are lost when a woman goes through menopause. Not every woman is aware of the body changes and pointers that indicate that they are going through menopause. In most cases, you will find that, when middle-aged women start experiencing hot flashes and vaginal dryness, they seek medical attention from their doctors to find out what the problem could be. Hormonal drugs may be prescribed if tests show that a woman is experiencing menopause. This hormone therapy is a safe, natural way of helping women reverse the effects of menopause by raising the hormones to the desired levels.

In 2002, FDA found out that a non-bioidentical hormone product containing estrogen and progesterone could increase the risk of getting cancer, stroke, heart attack and many others. Many women stopped using the drug and started seeking other options like Bioidentical Hormones. Below are some of the benefits of using these natural hormones.

Benefits of bio-identical hormone therapy

Bioidentical hormones are the same as those produced by a woman’s ovaries during her reproductive period. They cannot be compared with other synthetic hormones that can react with women’s bodies. The chances of the bioidentical hormones reacting with a woman’s body or having adverse side effects are close to nil.

There are two types of bioidentical hormones preparation: the ready-made, which are distributed by drug companies, and those made in pharmacies by compounding. The final products from both categories come in form of patches, gels, creams, pills, and vaginal rings. Each form has a different price, giving people different varieties and choices to choose from.

Compared to other synthetic hormones, women bleed much less, and the level of puffiness is also considerably much lower than when they are on the natural hormones. Various studies show that the use of synthetic hormones reacts differently with different women. Some may experience clotting, heart attacks, among others. That’s why people should not assume that one gets the same effects than when they use the bio-identical products.

Go to Renew Health & Wellness if you want a better understanding on Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. For more information, visit the website

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