Cut Your Water Usage With Proper Repair of Slab Leaks in San Diego

by | Dec 16, 2014 | Plumbing

Leaks in your home can be a real pain because they tend to make a mess and destroy the building. However, there are leaks that can occur which you may not even see. Hidden leaks can happen inside walls, in the main water line or under the home’s slab. The latter are often known as Slab Leaks in San Diego. In many cases you won’t realize there is a problem until you see the excess water consumption on the utility bill. However, if the leak is close to an edge of the foundation then it may cause puddles or soil erosion. A problem of this sort can be dangerous to the foundation support of your home and should be fixed as quickly as possible.

Locating a slab leak generally requires the use of electronic and acoustic equipment. The use of sound detectors can help determine where water is streaming out under pressure. Other equipment works similar to radar and helps to determine exactly where the pipes are placed. This is necessary information for certain types of repairs. The exact method used to fix the problem will depend on the leak, where it is located and the pipe in question. Most plumbing installed under a slab uses copper pipe. Leaks can occur in these pipes because of chemical reactions between the water supply and the copper piping or faulty installation issues.

Repairing the problem can be handled with a bypass provided the problem is small and the area is easy to access. Difficult repairs can require cutting the slab which can be rather expensive. It also weakens the foundation to a certain degree. Perhaps the best repair is one that is based on a pipeline restoration method developed by the US Navy known as air lining of small piping. This method of repair uses an epoxy to line the inside of the pipe which blocks the leak. This particular repair should last about ten years. If the leak is really bad then the plumber may need to directly access the pipe. This may mean cutting away part of the concrete. This is one reason that some plumbers will opt to install a bypass whenever possible. Bypassing the leak offers a more permanent repair at the cost of some minimal concrete damage. If you are experiencing Slab Leaks in San Diego be sure to visit website and discover your options.

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