Exploring Dental Implant Options at an Office for Dental Care in Kailua

by | Oct 14, 2013 | Dental

People who feel embarrassed or self-conscious due to lost or missing teeth may find it difficult to cope with many types of social and work functions. This can often result in them missing activities that may be important to them. In addition, many times lost teeth can make even normal activities such as eating, laughing, chewing or speaking difficult or painful. Anyone dealing with these types of issues should consider visiting an office for Dental Care in Kailua to explore the different types of treatment options that are available to help relieve this problem.

One of the most common treatments that a dentist may recommend for a patient with tooth loss is dental implants. While many treatments can often provide teeth that look natural, they do not always feel natural. This can make it awkward for a person who has these types of devices in their mouth. Dental implants eliminate this problem. They are designed to mimic the way a person’s real teeth grow in the mouth. This can make them feel more natural to the patient, which can be a great benefit.

Dental implants are also more stable in the mouth. This is because a dentist from an office for dental care in Kailua will surgically place rods into the patient’s jawbone. These rods are made of biocompatible materials, which allow them to bond with the jawbone. This can create a very solid and stable foundation so that when the dental appliances, such as crowns, dentures or bridges, are attached to the rods they will not move or shift about in the mouth. This can essential in helping to prevent many painful conditions from occurring. Having replacement teeth that do not move can also eliminate embarrassing situations that could arise if the replacement teeth slipped or fell out while one was eating or speaking.

Many people who are looking for a good solution to the issues that having missing teeth can cause would benefit from visiting a dentist such as Howard Carrico III DDS to explore the options available to them. Such a doctor will be able determine if a patient is a candidate for implants and what type of implants will be best suited to their needs. This can be a great step in helping the patient to stop missing important activities in their life.

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