How Grain Augers in Oregon Work

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Grain farmers need to have a lot of equipment in order to be able to plant, harvest, and transport their crops after they are harvested. Grain bins are used for storing grains, but there needs to be a way to transport the grains. A grain auger is a shaft that is inside a tube, and there is a steel spiral known as flighting around the shaft. The grains land on the spiral, and as it turns, the grains go to the top of the shaft. From there, they are put into a hopper, and then either stored or put on trucks for transport. Early augers were operated by hand. Today, they use hydraulics.

While some pieces of farm equipment, such as grain bins, are stationary, grain Augers Oregon are portable. They have wheels and can be moved around to various areas on a farm. They range in size, and can be as long as 60 feet in length. The augers must be in the lowest possible position in order to move them. Otherwise, accidents could happen, such as the augers getting caught in trees or even in power lines, which can be extremely dangerous.

When grains are harvested, there is often more than just the grains in the harvest, and everything else needs to be removed. Some Augers in Oregon take care of a lot of this if they have guards on the intake ends. These guards keep other items from going into the shaft, so all that is inside are the actual grains. Nothing larger is able to get through, and only healthy grains are delivered to clients.

Since augers aren’t used year-round, it is important to make sure that they are in proper working order before the harvesting season. They need to have annual tune-ups, which should be done well before it is time to use them. There also needs to be a safety inspection to make sure that all of the parts are working properly and that there is nothing dangerous that needs to be repaired. The augers should be tested prior to use following maintenance and inspections.

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