How Important Is Soil And Groundwater Remediation In New Jersey?

by | Jul 18, 2014 | Business

It is considered important enough for The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to have mandated that Soil And Groundwater Remediation In New Jersey can only be undertaken under the supervision of a Licensed Site Remediation Professional. Think literally of the very nature of much of New Jersey; of its parks, protected areas; water catchment areas and other bounties from nature; so much has somehow escaped the environmental ravages associated with so called progress and the current political will is to ensure that everything remains protected (being a wealthy state and home to many millionaires might also help in this respect). As well as national, State & local regulations; property owners may also find that certain aspects of Soil And Groundwater Remediation For New Jersey may well be part of the terms written into their insurance policies.

Fuel Oil Tanks

The hydrocarbon fuel oil used to fire many domestic heating furnaces is commonly stored in tanks buried (almost entombed) in the ground somewhere on the property’s land; in this way, there is no unsightly tank to mar the view; but, what happens if the oil starts to leak or seep out of the tank? Would you even know it was happening; let alone suspect it might be happening? Maybe if it was a bad leak; you might notice that telltale hydrocarbon smell around your property; but, more likely, you will be oblivious and unknowingly contaminating the soil below and around your buried tank as well as unwittingly polluting the area’s groundwater. The leaky tank might have been disconnected years earlier by a previous owner and you might not even be aware of its existence. If things get really bad, maybe you are beginning to get suspicious when you notice that plants simply do not grow well in one particular section of your yard.

One Day, You Have To Take Notice AND Action

If the problem is an old underground fuel tank; the first thing is to pinpoint its location; along with any buried pipes running in and out of it. Then, you can have miniature test bores drilled in the vicinity of the tank and pipes – nothing like the scale of professional drilling – only small diameter holes to a depth of less than 8 feet; sufficient to collect soil samples for laboratory analysis to gauge the extent of any problem so that you can correctly instigate a suitable plan for Soil And Groundwater Remediation In New Jersey.

The experts at Steve Rich & Associates Environmental Contractors work with, and are approved by the NJDEP for all aspects of Soil And Groundwater Remediation In New Jersey. Check out their services at Website URL.

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