Hyacinth Bulbs Are a Gorgeous Addition to Your Landscape

by | Apr 19, 2013 | Home & Garden

Planting beautiful hyacinth bulbs in the soil at the perfect time in the fall, typically between September and December or before the first frost, can yield beautiful flowers in your garden in the spring. The hyacinth is a flower that blooms in early to mid-spring and provides gorgeous color to your landscape before the summer weather hits, enabling you to take advantage of beautiful blooms year after year.

Choosing the Bulbs

Whether you purchase your bulbs from a local nursery or you order them from a wholesale center that mails perfect bulbs at the perfect time to plant them, it is important to know what they should look like. The most obvious signs to watch for are rotted or moldy bulbs; these should be tossed. They should also be a bit soft to touch, definitely not rock hard. Typically, the larger the bulb, the better the flowers grow because they have more energy to put into the actual growth.

Planting the Bulbs

Choose a well-drained area of your landscaping to plant the hyacinth bulbs. The best way to tell if it is a well-drained area is to watch it after a long rain to see if puddles still remain after five hours. If this is the case, you should pick a better drained area. In addition, the area should receive full sun, which typically means at least six hours of sunlight. Once you find the perfect area, dig holes around seven inches deep and place the bulb pointed edge up.

Caring for the Flowers

Hyacinths make a great cut flower, which allows you to cut them while in full bloom to place in vases throughout your home. Cutting the flowers off does not harm the plant in any way. Once the flowers have finished blooming, it is important to do nothing with the leaves. The leaves will serve as a source of energy for the actual bulb long after the flowers are complete, providing you with an even stronger plant next year.

Hyacinth flowers make spectacular smelling cut flowers in your vase. Because they are easy to grow and look beautiful in your landscape, it is easy to add this beauty to your home. Starting with hyacinth bulbs in the fall, you can have gorgeous colored flowers lining your landscape in the early to mid-spring. They look gorgeous on their own or among beds of various other springtime blooms.

To learn more about why you should consider hyacinth bulbs for your landscape, visit Website.

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