Safe Driving Dos and Don’ts

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Nobody wants to be involved in a car accident, let alone be the one who caused the accident. The best way to avoid doing so is to drive defensively. If you remember what you learned in driver’s education and follow these safe driving dos and don’ts, chances are you won’t need a car accident lawyer in Cumberland.

Don’t text while driving. This can impair your reaction time as much as if you were driving under the influence. In fact, you are better off if you put your cell phone away entirely

Do use a hands-free set. If you absolutely have to make a phone call, be sure to use a hands-free headset or a speaker phone. This will allow you to keep both hands on the wheel.

Don’t drive distracted. Distracted driving doesn’t just refer to the use of cell phones. There are a host of other distractions that may cause you to need the services of a car accident lawyers in Cumberland. If you need to something to eat, walk inside a restaurant or pull over to the side of the road to eat. Keep your music at a level that still allows you to hear traffic noise around you—and so on and so forth.

Do make adjustments before you start driving. If you share your car with another driver, be sure to adjust your seat and mirrors before you put the car in gear. Proper vision is essential for safe driving and will make you more aware of what other drivers on the road are doing.

Don’t follow too closely. In normal conditions, you should leave at least a 2 second interval between you and the vehicle in front of you. This will allow adequate time to stop if necessary. In bad weather you should increase the interval to at least 4 seconds.

Do obey the speed limit. Speeding is one of the leading causes of car accidents, second only to distracted driving. The faster you go, the less time you have to react and the more severe the accident typically is.

Do wear your seatbelt. Even if you do everything you are supposed to do on the road and drive defensively, others may not be so diligent. You may still be involved in a car accident and need the help of a car accident lawyer Cumberland. If you wear your seatbelt, however, you will not require as much help from medical professionals.