Sandburg College in IL Offers a renewable energy degree

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Biofuels and renewable energy are the wave of the future with many promising job opportunities for those who choose this major. Studying renewable energy means being at the cutting edge of technological advances in the green energy movement. We are all aware that something needs to change regarding how energy and fuel are produced. Majoring in this program shows a commitment and invested interest in the environment and progress. People may not always have the time or money for a four year university. Luckily, a renewable energy degree is available at Carl Sandburg College, a dynamic community college in Illinois. Their comprehensive program mixes science with business for versatility in the marketplace.

Students in the biofuels and renewable energy program get the benefit of learning all sides of an industry that promises to keep growing in the next thirty years. Sandburg uses a mixtures of traditional classroom lectures, hands-on training and online courses to ensure a variety of learning methods. In addition to theory and the science of a renewable energy degree, student also take courses in entrepreneurship and critical thinking. This provides an overall view of the many sides of this industry. The department is also tied to the Illinois Green Economy Network which is committed to further research and preparation of individuals for a career in renewable energy sources.

Those who complete the program at Sandburg also have a chance to transfer those credits to a four year institution to go even farther in the field. Sandburg College participates in the articulation agreement among other colleges in Illinois to provide fewer lost credit hours when transferring to another school. Sandburg also helps people who are in need of a new career transition to the school by providing refresher courses. This makes re-entry less of a shock to the system and decreases the time spent to complete the program. With all the options and support available, it’s no wonder that Sandburg College is a leader among community colleges. A renewable energy degree is the start to a brighter future with major potential for growth. Not many majors can boast that statement these days, but renewable energy will make a difference in the student’s life and future generations.