The Methods Used by a Mice Exterminator in NYC to Control Pests

by | Aug 12, 2014 | Uncategorized

Mice are small but very frustrating animals. They come into your house, eat your food and spread diseases. Mice can also eat up electrical wires leaving them exposed which can later cause electric short-circuiting or even fire. They breed very quickly therefore multiply fast. If what you want is to totally get rid of the rodents, contact a mice exterminator in NYC and he will tell you of the different methods used to control or get rid of them. Below are some methods of how you can control or get rid of mice.

Poisoned Baits

Most rat poisons are fatal and kill rats instantly. However, if you have pets or children, you are encouraged to be extra cautious or avoid the rat poison. For it to work effectively, put non-poisoned food on the mice’s route for two to three days. Check whether the mice are eating the food then you can replace the bait with a poisoned one. Once the mice consume it, be sure that they are dead.


Traps are available in three options, namely classic spring traps, inert gas traps and electric traps.

* Classic spring:

* They have a weighty spring loaded bar held in place and a bait placed on a trip. When the mouse tries to eat the bait, it sets off the trap swinging down the bar which kills or injures the mouse.

* Inert gas traps:

* Once a mouse is lured into the inert gas trap, canisters in the trap release carbon dioxide which kills the mouse without any pain. Inert gas traps are best when one does not have the guts to kill a mouse in an inhumane way. Some of these traps have been modified such that they send notifications via text message or email when they get activated.

Electric Traps

It is similar to the inert gas trap, but the difference is the mouse is killed by electric currents released once the mouse enters the trap. One can also get notifications when the trap is active.

You can control mice by sealing off their entry points and keeping your food covered. Other people also keep cats to control mice and rats in their homes. To get mice exterminators in NYC go to Metro Pest Control or visit the website.

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