Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Bartender

by | Nov 25, 2014 | Education

One of the most difficult things that a person will have to do in their lifetime is pick a career. For the most part, people have no idea what they want to do as a career, which means there are a lot of career college students out there. One of the most exciting and thrilling careers that you can participate in is bartending. There are thousands of bars and restaurants all over the world that need qualified bartenders, so you need to find a Bartending School in the Atlanta area so you can get your training underway. Here are a few things you need to know before you pursue your career in bartending.

No Such Thing as an Eight Hour Day

One of the first things you need to know before choosing a career in bartending is that there is really no such thing as an eight hour day. Usually the bartenders are working ten hour days and the last hour of that is usually spent cleaning up. For many people, the more hours that they put in only means that they will have a biggest paycheck, so this usually isn’t a problem.

Complexity of Drinks

Another thing that you need to know before becoming a bartender is that the there will always be drinks that you are asked to make that you have never heard of. This just comes with the territory and is no reason to become flustered or feel like less of a bartender. You need to view instances like this as a learning experience and an opportunity to expand your mixing knowledge. If you do not know where to start when asked to make a drink, then pull out your trusty mixing book to get a point of reference.

There is an Art to Cutting Someone Off

For the most part, the biggest problem that a new bartender will face is knowing how to cut someone off when they have has too much to drink. There is definitely a fine art to doing this and in some cases it will take years to develop. You need to make sure that you keep a cool head and that you always maintain a sense of professionalism when trying to do this. Be sure to ask for advice from an experienced bartender when needed to make this exchange go smoothly.

If you find yourself in need of a Bartending School Atlanta, then be sure to contact the team at Local Bartending School.

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