What Comes To Mind When You Think About Furniture In Reno, NV?

by | Apr 29, 2014 | Furniture

Furniture – not a very long word; but, taken in isolation, what exactly does it mean? Strictly speaking; it should only be used to describe moveable objects that are placed within a space so as to make it suitable for use (presumably by humans) – such as tables, chairs, beds and cupboards. However, in a wider sense of furnishings and fittings; we often widen the scope to cover almost anything that we put into a space.

Note – the space does not have to be indoors; we also have garden furniture; neither does the space need to be in our homes (since we also have office furniture). Although I believe we draw the line when looking at employees seated on a stools beside a conveyor belt assembly line that brings their work to them – normally a stool can be considered furniture; but, I have never heard of factory furniture.

Furniture does not have to have any particular “use” – so called accent furniture only serves as decoration and often has no other function. Neither is furniture restricted to moveable objects; a classical armoire can be moved and is definitely furniture; but, are the designer doors on fixed wall cabinets and closets furniture – or something else?

Holistic Approach

Holistic (as in seeing the total picture) is a trendy buzz word these days and buyers of furniture in Reno, NV would be well advised to; not only pay (at least lip service) to current interior decoration trends; but, also to take the big picture approach to the whole area that they are furnishing. Original or reproduction; a classic Louis Quinze dining table and chairs isn’t going to look right accompanied by an ultra-modern, stainless steel and glass coffee table in the same room. Ideally, the themes for different rooms should not present too big a clash of styles (unless you are furnishing a museum).

Your outdoor furniture could be an exception; whereby the furniture on your sundeck; around the barbeque area or beside your swimming pool; need not show any connection to the theme selected for your interior furniture. Above all, furniture in Reno, NV should serve its purpose and still be comfortable to use regardless of its design features.

For just about any type of furniture for Reno, NV under one roof; pay a visit to Functional Designs of Nevada.

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