Why Braces in Gainesville Might Be a Valuable Option

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Several dentists believe that one of the most important factors in dentistry is making a correct diagnosis and following it up with an orthodontic treatment plan. The relative importance of the different etiologic factors is deemed important in the malocclusions being evaluated. It has long been established that there is a close correlation between the shape (of the arches and face), the role of oral and adjacent structures, and the position of the stomatognathic system. Knowing how to review and repair any issues pertaining to these areas should be your dentist’s main concern.

Functioning Takes Form

The stomatognathic system has plenty of functions to look after. These consist of breathing, sucking, swallowing, chewing and speech, all of which cause orofacial muscle groups to produce considerable pressure, which inevitably affects the mouth. If this pressure is properly introduced and kept in balance, it will help proper growth and development of the jaws. This usually results in correct dental alignment and a harmonious facial appearance.

On the other hand, if this pressure it is not accurate, positioning will become poor and oral hygiene will soon follow. In fact, inadequate muscle strength, growth and development of the jaws will be compromised with potential complications involving dental occlusion and facial appearance soon following. For this reason, detection, diagnosis and treatment of these dysfunctions need to be addressed to provide a morphological and functional balance.

Atypical or Dysfunctional Swallowing

One of the most common dysfunctions, and perhaps one of the most overlooked, is the position of the tongue at rest. This is a condition that can result from various organic causes (such as mouth breathing or hypertrophic tonsils) or functional (immaturity, thumb or finger sucking or biting foreign objects, nail biting, etc.). Harmful sucking habits usually involve inappropriate positioning of the tongue in activity or rest periods that influence the structure of the oral cavity. By visiting Gainesville Orthodontics, you can be assured that these issues are repaired.

The orthodontist will be able to identify risk factors that can affect the morphological and functional balance. These consist of:

  • Oral breathing
  • Advanced tongue movements during speech
  • Macroglossia
  • Lateral indentations
  • Short lingual frenulum
  • Dysfunctional swallowing
  • Harmful sucking habits

If you or a loved one is interested in repairing any of the issues listed above, Braces in Gainesville might be the answer you are looking for. Contact your local dentist today for more information.