WOD Toys For Your Fit Kids

by | Aug 12, 2014 | Shopping

It is both amazing, and heartbreaking, when you read the statistics about children and physical fitness. In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that over one-third of all children and teens in the United States were either overweight or obese, and that obesity in children has doubled in the last 30 years. In fact, 18% of children age 6-11 were clinically obese in 2012. Getting your kids involved in CrossFit, even at an early age, starts by letting them play with WOD toys and do their own “Mini CrossFit workouts”.

Getting Kids Involved

As a CrossFit enthusiast, you know just how challenging this training can be. You also know that this isn’t a “once and done” sport; there is always room to improve, continually challenging yourself to get stronger, more fit, and more motivated to compete.

Getting little ones, even children as young as two or three years old, to use Boxfreak WOD toys for children is a wonderful way to let them enjoy a workout alongside their parents. Parents can also feel confident that the age- and size- appropriate WOD toys are carefully designed to fit little hands and developing muscles.

Exercise Benefits for Children with WOD Toys

According to the National Institute of Health, there are a lot of reasons why children benefit from physical activity and training. While no child should do a full CrossFit program before they are developmentally ready, there is no harm in allowing a child to mimic Mom and Dad’s workout with lightweight, safely designed equipment.

Kids that perform age-appropriate, level-appropriate exercises are more likely to have better overall body core strength and coordination, have stronger joints and muscles, maintain a healthy body weight and learn to enjoy workouts in a way that is stress free and completely fun.

Parents can pick and choose the WOD toys that are best for their child. One of the most popular options includes a mini Plyo box (with a broad 5-inch step for security), offering kids the chance to step and jump safely. Add a set of mini kettle bells (weighing in at just 0.7 pounds), and a mini medicine ball (at 1.7 pounds) and you’ll have all the gear your Little CrossFitter will need for a fun and safe workout.

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