Physical Therapists in Wantagh, NY Can Relieve Pain and Help You Heal Faster

by | Jan 27, 2014 | Healthcare

If you are suffering from an illness or injury that is causing you pain, your doctor may have prescribed physical therapy as course of treatment. You might have some questions about what physical therapy is and what it can do for you. Physical therapy is performed by licensed health care professionals, and during the session, the physical therapist will lead the patient through a series of exercises targeting the areas that need to be strengthened to help them feel better. Over time, the muscles will get stronger and mobility will be increased, helping to relieve pain.

There are many benefits to physical therapy. First and foremost is the exercise patients receive as the result of their sessions. This can lead to faster healing and an overall feeling of wellness. Also, as the body becomes stronger, less pain medications are often needed. Pain medications can be damaging to the body when taken long term and are best reserved for short term use only.

Physical therapy is often advised after surgery, particularly after replacement of joints such as hips or knees. One of the most important ways to help the surgery be a success is to strengthen the muscles surrounding the new joint and give them the support they need. Muscles suffer trauma from the surgery itself and even further from disuse as the patient recovers from the pain, so it is best to get those muscles moving again as soon as possible.It can be difficult to recover from back and neck injuries, especially in more serious cases where the patient has been unable to walk. We have all heard those stories of people working really hard and learning to walk again after a grievous injury. Physical Therapists in Wantagh, NY are specially trained to help patients get back on their feet and live the best life possible.Massage can also be a form of physical therapy and can be extremely beneficial if you suffer from chronic pain that interferes with your life, such as fibromyalgia. In addition to your exercises, your Physical Therapists in Wantagh, NY can target therapy to the individual areas that cause the most pain, and work that area with massage to try and loosen the tension and relieve some of the pain.

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