Six of the Most Common Auto Repairs

by | Apr 10, 2013 | Autos

It is important to provide excellent care and maintenance on your vehicle to ensure that it lasts you many years and to save you money down the road. Some of the auto repairs in Colorado Springs that are available to help maintain your vehicle include performing an oil change, changing out the coolant, checking and replacing the tires, performing tests and replacing an old battery, looking over the electrical system, and checking the fuel system.

Oil Change

Oil change is one of the most common types of auto repairs in Colorado Springs that is needed. Most vehicle owners are good at maintaining their cars in this respect and will stop by an auto repair show to get the oil checked every couple of months or so. This time frame will depend on how much you use your vehicle; the more you use the vehicle the more often you will need to replace the oil. Experts will recommend you change your oil approximately three times a year.

Coolant & Fuel Systems

Your coolant should be replaced often much like your oil. This coolant will aid in flushing out the system and keeping your car from overheating. This type of auto repairs in Colorado Springs is relatively inexpensive and you may find an auto repair shop willing to replace your coolant along with the oil change. You will need to replace the air filters in your vehicle when you are performing auto repairs. They can become clogged and cause many problems down the road.


Every time you drive your vehicle, you are putting enormous friction and stress on them. Over time the tires will begin to wear out and you will need to replace the tires in order to preserve good gas mileage, a healthy car, and prevent accidents later due to a flat. Replace the tires every two years for optimal performance for your vehicle and put tire patches in to tide you over until you have time to replace the tires.


Experiencing a dead battery can be a pain, especially since it always happens at the worst time. Your battery is not meant to last the entire lifetime or your vehicle and will therefore need to be replaced at least every five years. This is a relatively easy repair and will not cost a lot of money as long as you are able to locate the battery for your vehicle.


If your vehicle blows a fuse or you need the taillight or headlight replaced, it is important to find a technician to deal with the electrical system associated with your vehicle. There are many problems associated with the electrical system in your vehicle so it is important to maintain your regular service times.

If you are in need of auto repairs Colorado Springs, you should check with Trans Tech Auto & Truck, a family owned and operated company that provides expert service to exceed their customers’ needs. Contact them today at 719-630-7476.

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