Why Should You Choose Teeth Whitening in Howell?

by | Mar 27, 2014 | Dental Services

Cosmetic Dentistry has made so many advances over the years, helping people to recover their smiles and feel a greater confidence in their appearance. When your teeth are stained and discolored, your smile does not look as attractive as it could. To ensure your smile looks its best and you feel happy with your appearance, there are options to help you overcome your staining and have whiter teeth. Through Teeth Whitening in Howell, this can be accomplished in as little as one treatment.

What Can You Expect From Teeth Whitening in Howell?

The whitening treatment you will need and the results you can expect will depend on the degree of staining issues you have. For those with minor yellowing, a traditional whitening treatment is usually sufficient. This treatment makes use of hydrogen peroxide and is painted over the teeth, so the Howell teeth whitening agent can penetrate through the enamel and enter the dentin, where most stains are trapped. This procedure is perfect for those who simply want their color restored to its natural white or need minor staining removed.

Many people experience moderate staining and yellowing and require a more advanced whitening treatment. This is where bleaching treatments can be extremely beneficial. Bleaching uses a different type of peroxide, through carbamide peroxide. This type of whitening treatment takes your teeth to a stunning white. It is able to remove the deepest of stains and minimize the appearance of minor damage. People who have this treatment carried out typically want to have the Hollywood shade of white teeth.

For some people, staining is not the only issue with their teeth. When you have staining coupled with minor damage, you may feel extremely self-conscious about your smile. In this instance, the dentist will most likely use a special bonding treatment to help you. A bonding treatment completely covers your teeth with a white resin, effectively hiding any staining or damage. The dentist will sculpt the resin and smooth it over your teeth, so they become perfected and beautiful.

To learn more about your options for teeth whitening, visit. You will be amazed at how beautiful your teeth can become, through the many treatments they offer.

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