Are Your Dentures in Wichita, KS Properly Fit?

by | Jun 24, 2014 | Dentistry

Compared to the previous years, people are much more knowledgeable about dental care and hygiene. Reliable studies have indicated a correspondent improvement on the state of population’s dental health in general. The quality of dentures has also improved, accompanied by an increased appreciation for proper denture care. With the exception of the initial stages of adapting to the newly introduced dentures in Wichita KS:, regular denture use should not be a source of discomfort. With this in mind, do you wonder if your dentures are a proper fit? Here are essential details to help you determine if your dentures are properly fit.


Signs of Poorly Fit Dentures

There are many signs that may indicate that your dentures are not properly fit. If your dentures are moving around, it is time to consult with your denture care provider. Another sign of poorly fit dentures is if you are experiencing mouth or gum irritation. Moreover, if you find that you are eating more soft foods or you need to make more effort to carry on conversations, it may be time to have your dentures examined. Dentures are intended to help you eat comfortably and enunciate your speech. Once these things begin to suffer, it is time to have your dentures corrected.

How is a Poorly Fitting Denture Corrected?

Recasts and relines are some of the major ways in which a poorly fit denture is corrected. Relining entails adding a soft putty on the denture lining and then into the patient’s mouth to get an impression. The impressions are then to a lab for fabrication and a permanent acrylic piece is thereafter added to the denture appliance to restore a proper fit. Soft relines are also performed if the mouth is too sore and not ready for a hard acrylic piece. If your dentures are badly damaged, a complete recast may be needed.

Dentures serve many purposes, and they are intended to help you. One of the greatest benefits you can derive from your dentures Wichita KS is that your jawbone is stimulated, thereby making it easy to maintain a healthy diet. If you are experiencing any problems with your denture, please visit your denture care provider today.

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