Fundraising Products that Break the Mold

by | Oct 30, 2014 | Shopping

If you’re looking for a new fundraiser that breaks the mold of traditional options, you’re not alone. More clubs, teams and groups are opting for practical fundraising programs that offer products everyone can use. Unlike candy or frozen food options, your customers won’t feel pressured into buying something they don’t need and your club will earn funds off of product orders that your friends and family will be excited to place. Instead of settling for mediocre results, wouldn’t you like to see your fundraiser exceed expectations?

Fundraising Has Come a Long Way
Thanks to the popularity of the web, fundraising has really come a long way lately. Fundraising products no longer have to be frivolous “gift” items that we don’t have a use for in daily life. Companies have recognized that there was a void in this industry and popular brands have launched school fundraising programs specifically for this reason. Now, instead of buying items like candy and wrapping paper, customers can purchase products like reusable totes, lunch boxes, travel items and more.

The Tools You Need
It’s not just the fundraising products that have come a long way recently. The tools that fundraising companies provide have also changed over time. From being able to submit your orders through convenient web-based forms to having access to letters and other documents that will allow you to reach out to friends, family and neighbors more effectively, it’s easier than ever to run a successful campaign. And what does a successful campaign mean? More funds for your club, team or organization!

Getting Started
If you’re interested in fundraising products that break the mold and will help your organization raise money, there’s no better place to get started than right here on the web. Many companies that offer school-based fundraising programs have informative websites that will provide you with all of the information you need to get started. Whether you’re raising money for the organization overall or you have a special event coming up, it’s never too early or too late to look into some of the unique fundraising options that are now available!

Visit us website page to learn more about the fundraising options available through Mixed Bag Designs. With items ranging from eco-friendly totes to fashionable accessories, there’s sure to be something for everyone. Get started raising money for your team or club today!

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