A Root Canal May be the Reason for Your Toothache in Highland Park

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Our teeth are composed mainly of hard tissue, but also of some soft tissue. The hard tissues are enamel, dentin and cementum. The soft tissues are composed of dental pulp nerves, blood vessels and ligaments, which are located within the pulp’s chamber. Root canal treatments are one of the most common therapies practiced by dentists today, especially when a toothache in Highland Park is involved.


Regular inspections, sanitation of cavities, and timely removal of defective or old fillings are the greatest prevention for the prevention of toothaches. If a cavity is not treated, the bacteria that colonized the mouth can also penetrate into the root canal. This can cause an infection of the pulp (dental nerve), which will surely result in severe pain. A deep decay or trauma can cause pulpitis, which is an inflammation of the nerve manifested by a strong toothache. Multiplication of bacteria causes inflammation that will infect the soft tissue. This disintegrates into the dental canal. Mild inflammation can lead to changes in the periapical (granuloma), while a severe inflammation can lead to the degradation of bone accompanied by unbearable pain. This usually ends up with the loss of teeth.

Root canals and dental pulp

Pulp is considered to be soft tissue that is located in the cavity of a healthy tooth. The chamber is positioned in the principal part of the crown. The nerves and blood vessels that pass through it contains the root canal and then to the tip of the root. This canal is an elongated space that stretches from the bottom of the chamber to the tip of the tooth root. Its shape and size are proportional to the size and shape of the root.

Any appearance of redness and swelling in the oral cavity indicates necrosis of the pulp or tooth. Swelling ends by passing through the bone (fistula) between the tip and the root of the tooth on the surface of the lining channel. Sometimes a greater or lesser amount of yellowish pus may drain from the fistula and, most often, without any pain. If a complete endodontic treatment is not immediately applied, complications can occur. For more information on how you can rid yourself of a toothache in Highland Park, contact your local dentist today at North Suburban Dental of Highland Park.