Benefits of Hiring Oak Lawn’s Best Social Security Lawyers

by | Sep 12, 2014 | Lawyer

There is nothing more disconcerting than learning that the injury or illness that you recently had will leave you incapable of performing your normal duties in the workplace. Then you remember that the Social Security Administration (SSA) is there to help you, and you put in your claim, and suddenly it is denied and you have hospital bills to pay and living expenses to incur. This is the time it becomes necessary to engage the services of Oak Lawn’s Best Social Security lawyers.

Why are claims denied?

The SSA probably receives hundreds of claims per day, and it is unfortunate that some of the claims are not real -; from individuals looking to score free money. In an effort to lockout illegitimate claims, the SSA inadvertently denies a few legitimate claims in the process. This is where the attorney steps in to help these individuals get the support they deserve by helping you repeal against the decision of denial.

The SSA Rules

The SSA has very strict rules that one has to adhere to in order to qualify for a claim; these rules are listed on its website and full of medical terms. Some of them include:

• You must be certifiably incapacitated for at least the next twelve months

• You must also have contributed to SS for the period you were employed

• For individuals below twenty-two years; the contribution of their parents will suffice

Picking a Lawyer

It is imperative to pick out an attorney who will fully represent your interests during the appeal. The attorney should have intricate knowledge of the appeal process accumulated with experience. He or she should also have more than a passing interest in practicing disability and insurance law.

Most attorneys will ask for a retainer fee before taking up the case, but others will not ask for anything until the end of the case. Get an attorney who will tell you the facts as they are and will not try to paint a rosy picture of winning the case against the SSA.

At Nash Disability Law, Oak Lawn’s Best Social Security lawyers, you get professionals you can trust and feel comfortable working with. Trust is of paramount importance as this is the time you really need someone who has your best interests at heart.



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