Divorce or Dissolution Of a Marriage In Dayton, OH

by | Nov 10, 2014 | Bankruptcy Law

In some instances when a marriage is not working out, a couple may decide to consider a dissolution of their union rather than a divorce. A Dissolution Of a Marriage In Dayton OH is achievable when the parties concerned are both willing to end their union without the claim of one being responsible for the separation.

This is different from a typical divorce which means one or both of the couple were found to have committed actions, such as infidelity or abuse, which led to the divorce. In these instances a witness may need to be produced to prove this complaint is legitimate.

A Dissolution Of a Marriage In Dayton OH is often preferable when there are no children, contested property or abuse to be concerned with. The benefit is that it is often able to be heard by a judge sooner and will not require the waiting period or meditation hearings which often accompany a divorce.

A dissolution, or no-fault divorce as it is something referred to, can have financial benefits as well. Because it is often faster moving and will have much less paperwork involved, filing fees and attorney costs are often greatly reduced.

It is still recommended that an attorney be hired, particularly when property or children are involved. Because the couple will typically negotiate their agreement alone, without the court being involved, an attorney can help to provide guidance through the process. An attorney can also provide assistance with finding and hiring other experts, such as property appraisers, as needed.

Regardless of which path is chosen, protecting your rights and the rights and safety of any children involved need to be considered. A dissolution should only be an option when there has not been any abuse or concern for the welfare of anyone involved is not a consideration.

A dissolution should not be confused with an annulment, in which a marriage is essentially erased and considered to have never legally occurred. The end result of both a dissolution and a divorce are the same. The legal relationship will have ended, any terms agreed to during the process are legal and binding and all members are free to marry someone else in the future.

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