Don’t let Myths About Lasik Vision Correction Surgery Keep You from Perfect Vision

by | Aug 13, 2013 | Uncategorized

In recent years your friends might have gotten Lasik surgery to have their vision corrected. They have thrown away their glasses and happily gone on without them. Now you are wondering if this option will work for you. There are a lot of myths being circulated about Lasik surgery, and some may worry you. If you have considered Lasik Vision Correction Surgery, you should know the truth.

Some of the misunderstandings about Lasik surgery include:

THE SURGERY IS PAINFUL: Doctors measure pain on a 1-10 scale and most Lasik patients report discomfort after surgery to be about 0 to 1. There is blurring for several hours after the surgery, but this disappears.

LASIK ISN’T FOR THOSE OVER 40: More than half of patients who have Lasik Vision Correction Surgery are forty or over. When you visit your doctor for an initial exam, he will discuss your individual situation and educate you about the effects of aging on vision.

LASIK CAUSES NIGHT VISION PROBLEMS, HALOS OR GLARE: About 3%-5% of patients who had first-generation Lasik procedures had night vision problems, but technology has advanced in recent years. Today fewer and 1% have any problems and new laser procedures will typically improve night vision rather than cause problems.

LASIK IS TEMPORARY: Lasik is a long-term correction and results can last for ten or more years. However, eyes change and some patients choose to have a “tune-up” after several years. The surgery may come with a warranty which covers the cost of this treatment, even after ten or fifteen years.

LASIK DOESN’T WORK FOR ASTIGMATISM: A majority of patients have astigmatism and its treatment is considered a routine part of Lasik surgery.

PATIENTS CAN’T WEAR CONTACTS AFTER LASIK SURGERY: Most patients don’t need contacts after their surgery, but they can wear them for cosmetic enhancement if they want.

PATIENTS UNDER 30 SHOULD NOT HAVE LASIK: Lasik has been approved by the FDA for use in patients who are 21 and older. Doctors can determine whether a patient’s eyes are stable enough for the procedure.

Eye surgery is a big step and patients are sure to have many questions. However, a consultation with a Lasik professional can provide information about Lasik Cost and treatment that patients need to make an informed decision.

Read more about the myths associated with different types of vision correction surgery at

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