Find The Most Affordable Dentists In The Kailua Area

by | Sep 30, 2014 | Dentist

Dental hygiene is one of the most important things a person can take care of for their body. Teeth serve an important purpose when eating, and without them a person would not be able to chew and bite as easily while consuming foods. Taking care of your teeth will help them last longer, but can often be difficult if you have a busy work or family schedule that prevents you from even brushing on a regular basis. This is why it’s helpful for many residents of the Kailua area to visit a reputable dentistry practice like Aikahi Dental to help keep their teeth healthier and whiter.

With the help of Affordable Dentists in Kailua, you can keep your teeth whiter and healthier by having them whitened and cleaned on a regular basis. Teeth whitening procedures do more than just brighten the enamel of your teeth, since the cleaning chemicals the dentist uses also protects and strengthens the enamel as well. This will make it easier to protect your teeth from specific types of foods and drinks that can cause damage. Sugary foods and beverages, for example, can cause your enamel to break down and create cavities. Dark liquids, like tea, soda, and coffee, can stain teeth and wear the enamel down in the process. When this happens, you run the risk of your tooth enamel breaking down and exposing the inner nerves which can cause constant pain and discomfort until fixed.

When your teeth do suffer from exposed nerves, you run a high risk of them becoming infected. An infected tooth can be excruciatingly painful to deal with, requiring not only antibiotics to get rid of the infection, but also pain medication to dull the pain as well. Affordable Dentists in Kailua can help you get rid of the problem once you’ve removed the risk of the infection with medication, by either performing a root canal to remove the nerve, or extracting the tooth entirely. If you get a root canal, your tooth will be repaired with a crown. On the other hand, if you get the tooth extracted entirely, you will need to get either a bridge put in or an implant. Dental implants look and feel like real teeth, making them the ideal choice for replacing teeth.

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