Sex addiction rehab centers are meant to help those who suffer from sex addiction. Sex addiction is defined as those with a high sexual drive who exhibit improper behavior to satisfy their sex drive. There are a wide variety of methods of treatment for those who suffer from sex addiction, finding the one that is right for you is the best way to ensure the success of your treatment.
Asking the Right Questions
When you are searching for the right sex addiction rehab center, it is important to know the right questions to ask. Many rehab centers offer a variety of treatments for different addictions, some more general than others. Ensuring the center you choose is knowledgeable in sex addiction and how to help patients recover is essential to your success.
A few of the important things to know about a center include knowing if their treatment is mostly group therapy or if they also offer individual therapy. If they do offer group therapy, what percentage of time is spent in groups? If your sex addiction affects your relationship with a spouse or significant other, it is important to know if the center offers treatment for couples. Many sex addicts also have a simultaneous addiction, either to drugs or alcohol. Finding a center that can treat dual addictions is essential for you.
The Sexual Addiction Treatment
Sexual addiction treatment is just like any other addiction treatment. The first step is detoxing from the addiction. In this case, the sexual acts need to stop. For many, this requires an inpatient stay to remain free from the temptations of sexual acts. Once the sex addict has refrained from sexual acts for a specified period of time, the therapy, education and recovery can begin.
Most sexual addiction treatment programs include a 12-step program and individual, group and family therapy, as well as education on how sexual addiction can ruin relationships, threaten jobs and cause a person to endure a great amount of turmoil. The emotional support involved in sexual rehab is an important component. As the sex addict learns how they have ruined relationships, lost loved ones or harmed their career, he can become emotional, causing him to need the help of a licensed therapist to get through this time.
Learning how to make better choices when it comes to sexual addiction is the main goal of sex addiction rehab centers. Finding a new outlet for a person’s addictive behavior that is healthy and productive will give sexual addicts a better way to handle their addiction and lead their life.