Fuel Your Healthy Hustle with Fun Fitness Apps

by | Oct 25, 2019 | Healthcare

Fitness apps are the new virtual personal trainers. Though they can’t compare to the face-to-face guidance, advice, support, and winning strategies of a real-life trainer, many newer apps are extremely dynamic, diverse, and accessible, guiding you step by step to your fitness and nutritional goals.

Couch to 5K

Have you ever dreamed of being a runner? Maybe you just want to step up your cardio game and participate in small, local races? Couch to 5K is one of the latest fitness apps that helps you do just that, guiding you through weekly running workouts that start easy and get progressively harder.

The goal is to get you 5K-ready within eight to 10 weeks. During each 30-minute workout, a virtual trainer provides audio cues, telling users when to run, walk, or rest. The app paces and calculates your distances, maps your routes, and checks your progress, and even lets you listen to your favorite workout playlist while on the go!


BodySpace is one of the latest fitness apps from Bodybuilding.com, a leading online fitness and supplement retailer. BodySpace is a social fitness platform, where members can set up a profile, access free, virtual workouts, post and track stats, and interact with other BodySpace members. Android and iOS versions are available.


This calorie-counting powerhouse is now available as an app, boasting a large nutrition and calorie count database and myriad of healthy meal plans. The app helps you customize workouts and track fitness progress and goals, with exercise demonstrations as well as articles on fitness and health.

Fitbit Coach

The ever-popular footstep counter is now one the latest fitness apps to introduce a virtual coaching counterpart. Fitbit Coach’s strongest suit is its variety of “no weights required” workouts. The vast collection of workouts include walking, running, and body-weight resistance training, especially handy for low-impact and at-home training. Best yet are motivational tips and pace-by-pace video explanations of exercises to keep workouts exciting and challenging.

As handy as your virtual trainer may be, The MAX Challenge of Clinton, NJ, is your live, in-person solution to the challenge of getting in shape. Our group-oriented, 10-week transformation combines intense exercise with nutrition counseling – and of course, tons of motivation!

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