Health Benefits of Taking a Probiotic Food Supplements

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For many individuals, bacteria are nasty disease-causing microorganisms that cause them to become ill. Such people are likely to disown a scientific study that is suggesting that these same microorganisms can play a pivotal role in the treatment and even prevention of some illnesses. These beneficial live microorganisms are called probiotics and the name is derived from the words pro and biota, meaning ‘for life’.

Northern Europeans consume plenty of probiotics in the form of foods that are fermented using bacteria like yoghurt. Such probiotic-laced beverages are also a big hit in countries such as Japan. In the UK, enthusiasm for these foods has lagged, but the public interest in Probiotic Food Supplement is slowly hitting a crescendo. Digestive disease specialists concur that taking probiotic supplements does help to control common disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Benefits of Probiotic Therapy

  • Treatment of diarrhea:
  • Studies have shown that a bacterium in probiotic supplements, Lactobacillus GG, is invaluable in shortening the course of infectious diarrhea in children and infants (not adults). Unconfirmed research states that probiotics help reduce antibiotic associated diarrhea by as much as 60%, compared to those placed with placebo.
  • Management of Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome:  Small studies into the effects of probiotic therapy suggest that they may be able to help in maintenance of remission of ulcerative colitis as well prevent the relapse of Crohn’s disease.
  • Small studies into the effects of probiotic therapy suggest that they may be able to help in maintenance of remission of ulcerative colitis as well prevent the relapse of Crohn’s disease.
  • Maintenance of urogenital health: The vagina, much like the intestinal tract, is a web of a finely balanced eco-system.  Lactobacilli make it too acidic for any harmful microorganisms to thrive. However, this eco-balance can be thrown it disarray by a number of factors including spermicides, birth control pills and antibiotics. Probiotic treatment can help to restore this balance as well as treat conditions like yeast infection, urinary tract infection and bacterial vaginosis.

Safe to Use
Probiotic supplements are generally safe to use since they already exist in the normal digestive system. However, there is the theoretical risk for those who suffer from impaired immune functionality. When buying them, ensure that all the ingredients are marked on the sticky tag and are familiar to your primary health care provider.

Probiotic supplements help to improve health and reduces stress-induced gastrointestinal symptoms. Vitamin Grocer offers probiotic food supplements which plays a vital role in the treatment and prevention of illness. For more information visit their website