Hire a Construction Contractor in San Antonio to Help With Your Remodel

by | Oct 22, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

If you are thinking about finishing your basement, you are going to want to hire a construction contractor in San Antonio to do the work for you. Many homeowners use their basement as a place to store all of their junk simply because they don’t realize how easy it is to have it finished. Set up an appointment with a contractor today. He will come to your home, take some measurements, and hopefully give you an estimate as to how much money it would cost to have your basement completed.

Think for a moment how perfect it would be to have some extra room in your basement. You could have a couple of bedrooms built and of course a bathroom. If you are looking for a way to supplement your income, you may even talk with your construction contractor in San Antonio about building a basement apartment. This could be an extra income that you could have for the rest of your life. Of course, you would want to talk with your contractor about building and outside entrance and plenty of ventilation. You will also want to think about the next driveway for your tenant to park in. These are all things that your contractor can help you with. He will transform your home into something amazing.

The Shaw Remodeling Company has experience with this type of work. They know what needs to be done to complete your model in a way that will be impressive to you for many years to come. It doesn’t matter whether you are building a few extra bedrooms or an entire apartment in your basement. The most important thing is that you can be comfortable in your own home. Come up with a few ideas to present to your contractor. This way, he will know exactly what you expect out of him. Hopefully, he will be available to get started right away. In the meantime, start picking out paint colors and carpet samples and set up an appointment with your construction contractor in San Antonio today. You are going to love the end result of your beautiful remodel. For more information visit us at ShawCoRemodeling.com

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