Injured From A Big Rig? Contact A Trucking Accident Attorney In Middletown OH

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Trucking accidents result in some of the worst injuries on the highway today. The sheer size and weight of these vehicles can cause catastrophic injuries to unsuspecting drivers. Trucking companies are only worried about protecting their interests and not about the person who was injured by their truck. In this type of situation, an individual should contact a trucking accident attorney in Middletown OH as soon as possible after an accident.

The trucking company can lose or destroy crucial evidence after an accident. An attorney will immediately preserve the evidence and impound the truck so nothing can be altered. The attorney will get the logbook for the driver’s hours and the maintenance of the truck and trailer. All these items are crucial in preserving to prove a case.

What Is A Logbook?

A driver’s logbook shows the amount of time the driver was on duty and how many hours they have driven each day and throughout the week. Why is this important? Truck drivers are only permitted to drive a certain number of hours each day and each week. If they go over the number of hours permitted by the federal laws. They can be fined by the government. Driver fatigue can be the cause of an accident.

Distracted Drivers

Although truck drivers should not be holding their cell phones when driving, it still happens. A distracted driver could be texting or talking on the telephone and cause an accident.

Catastrophic Injuries

A trucking accident attorney in Middletown OH will protect a victim after a trucking accident. Catastrophic injuries like the loss of a limb, brain damage, internal injuries, losing a limb, permanent scarring, or death can happen. These injuries can result in the inability to work and years of medical treatment. A victim can be compensated for their losses, payment of medical bills and wages, and funeral expenses.

If you or a loved one have been injured or killed because of a careless truck driver, now is the time to schedule a consultation. A victim should never agree to any settlement without an experienced attorney reviewing the case. Schedule a consultation and receive the information you need today.