Medicare Management Software Solutions to Maximize Reimbursement

by | Dec 3, 2013 | Health

Keeping a medical practice profitable and efficient is a major task to handle without some HIT solutions. Every patient deserves the same care, and with the baby boomers becoming Medicare Part B eligible, the influx of annual visitations is going to increase astronomically. Medical billing, in itself, is a complicated world of coding and claims resolution that adding another hurdle to the track could cause a real freeze in cash flow for the operation. Polygon Health has a proven method to prevent a back log of patients and to get the most out of the Medicare reimbursement. Their Medicare Management Software provides steps that streamline annual visitations making them more pleasant for the patient and staff.

The Annual Wellness Visit happens whenever someone starts Medicare Part B, and then occurs every year they are still eligible for Medicare. It’s a way to evaluate the health needs of the individual and create a plan of action for the following years. Physically examining every patient every time is taxing and takes too much time to make the reimbursement useful for the practice. Use of Medicare Management Software makes it so that the patient can perform part of the visit on their own in the waiting room. This saves examination room time for other patients and maximizes how many people can be treated daily. After the patient and provider enter the information onto a tablet, the software generates a report on the treatment plan and any risks that need to addressed before the next annual visit.

It’s easy to get started using Polygon Health medicare management software. It takes between one and three weeks to fully train the staff and implement the software in everyday practice. Polygon provides all the tablets and the training software, then for each visit Polygon receives a percentage of the reimbursement. When a normal visit takes an hour, using the software cuts this down to about thirty or forty minutes. This means more patients can be seen in the same amount of time making the most out of the Medicare reimbursement, and it will revolutionize the revenue stream of the practice. Visit their website today to learn more and get started.

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