Pitching workouts

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In order to pitch well, there are hundreds of different pitching workouts options to choose from (a quick google search can yield 782,000 results). Moreover they are all different in one way or another – some focus on practicing the pitch itself whilst others place greater emphasis on heading to the gym. Before you find one that’s right for you (and it certainly pays to do your homework) here are a couple of tips to make sure you start as you mean to go on.

To gym or not to gym?

There are thousands of workouts online that offer programs that go heavy on the gym and it’s obviously one workout solution. However, many pitchers and coaches swear by the need to also understand the mechanics of pitching, i.e. focusing on movements used in successful pitching rather than simply “bulking up” which may lead to injury and burn out.

Age is a factor

Kids seem to be hitting the gym at a much earlier age these days but there is a consensus that there are inherent dangers to their bodies if they start too early. Use your common sense if you’re a parent or a coach; you will need to alter your workout methods on a child-by-child basis. Some will show greater concentration – as well as the ability to understand why they are working out – at an earlier age than others. You also need to take into account the stage of physical development that they’re at and change the workout according to what they can cope with. They may need some encouragement but try not to push them too far.

Overall fitness is key

There is one thing that most people tend to agree on with regards to pitching. You need to have a very high fitness level to pitch well (that’s all over fitness, not just the arm) and that you need to maintain this all year round with an off-season training program too. This can include running. Make sure you seek professional advice from a doctor before you begin any sort of fitness program and keep a log of what you’ve done when you’ve done it; it can help you to reach your goals.