Popular Features On Overhead Garage Doors

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Overhead garage doors are the new front doors. They are more visible, more stylish and give your home more curb appeal. An overhead door in Boston, MA should not only be fashionable, however, but also functional. Today, there are more makes and models to choose with more time- and energy-saving features than ever before. Here are some of the most popular features found on overhead garage doors that you might want to consider.

Belt drive. For residential purposes, garage doors with belt drives tend to be more popular than those with chain drives because they operate much quieter. This is especially important when you have bedrooms above the garage or other living areas adjacent to it.

Open door sensor. If you leave your overhead door open, this feature will automate a warning light that signals you need to close the garage door. This reminder is especially convenient for those who tend to be forgetful and leave the door open after unloading the car. It is not only a convenient feature to have, but also an excellent safety feature. Law enforcement experts estimate that more than half of all residential burglaries are crimes of opportunity that happen because the garage door was accidentally left open.

Key ring remote. This is another popular safety feature. By carrying your garage door opener with you at all times rather than leaving it in your car, you can prevent thieves from breaking into your car to gain access to your garage door remote and your address. Your address is often found on your car registration which is also kept in your car. Even if it isn’t, it is fairly simple to obtain a home address with nothing more than the license plate number.

Obstruction sensors. If you have pets or small children, this is a must-have feature for your overhead door in Boston, MA. The obstruction sensor consists of two electronic eyes that are mounted a few inches off the ground on both sides of the doorway. The eyes transmit a beam of light, which, if broken, will reverse the direction of the garage door. Even if the beam of light is not broken, the door will typically reverse directions when it encounters any type of resistance before it hits the ground.