Save Labor and Natural Resources With Artificial Turf in Coral Gables

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Maintaining a beautiful lawn in Coral Gables a lot of work and money. A lot of water is used to keep the grass green, and fertilizers are used to keep the grass green and thick. Neither of these actions are good for the environment. Water is a precious resource to be used sparingly. Fertilizes and pesticides have chemicals which can leach into the ground water causing pollution of lakes and streams. Since artificial turf doesn’t have to be mowed, and no harmful emissions will be released into the atmosphere, it is an excellent option for many homeowners.

Artificial Turf in Coral Gables can provide you a way to avoid all of this and save labor. Artificial turf will look beautiful all of the time without water or fertilizer. Artificial turf has been around since the 60s when it was first introduced into the Astrodome. Since then, the product has been refined and developed into 10 different types of artificial grass blades for the home yard.

Artificial grass uses sustainable and recycled materials and fewer natural resources to manufacture the product. Nylon is a favorite of artificial turf installers and homeowners because of its durability and beauty. However, fine artificial turf products are made from polyethylene and polypropylene materials, and some are made with a combination of the two materials. The pile thickness ranges from 1 5/16 inches for nylon to 1 3/4 inches for a polyethylene nylon material. Other artificial turf products are available with 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 inch piles.

The blades can be made thin, and thicker to resemble grass which has the thicker blades. Even a tan thatch can be added as well as multi-colored blades. The artificial turf available today offers an unsurpassed performance and appearance which is natural looking.

The preparation of the ground is important. Companies marketing Artificial Turf in Coral Gables know exactly how to provide a solid base of dirt or sand which is tamped down to prevent the turf from rippling or forming bubbles. There is a science to laying artificial turf and to keeping the edges in place. Your new lawn will be installed by experts. Visit them at the Coral Gables Artificial Turf store and see all of the beautiful selections to end your lawn care hassles.