Selecting Frozen Mice for Snakes

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Pets

Frozen mice may be a large part of the diet of many reptile including lizards, king snakes, boas, corn snakes, and pythons. The size of the reptile will determine the size of the feeder mice that should be used for the carnivorous animals.

What Size of Mice is Optimum for My Snake?
Frozen small pinkies (mice that are approximately one to two days old, have not yet formed a hairy coat, and weigh between 2.0 to 2.49 grams) are perfect for hatchling or medium-sized snakes. Large pinkies (mice that are approximately three to four days old, have not yet formed a hairy coat, and weigh between 2.5 to 2.99 grams) should be fed when the small pinkies no longer form a lump in the snake’s body. Frozen rats ranging anywhere from 7.0 to 45+ grams in weight are perfect choices for the larger pythons, reptiles, and raptors.

A rule of thumb for choosing frozen mice for snakes is to choose the size that is a little larger than the widest part of the snake’s body. If the snake eats a larger bite, chances increase that he will regurgitate it up before processing it in the body. The right size is crucial to healthy development. Also be sure to order mice with or without hair, whichever your animal is used to eating.

Other Options in Frozen Mice for Snakes
Another type of feeder animal that snakes may enjoy are called African soft-furred rats. These are a great choice for ball pythons and other reptiles that are discriminating in their food choices. These soft-furred rats range in weight from 20 to 89 grams each.

Does It Matter Where I Purchase These Frozen Mice?
Look for a reputable feeder business that provides frozen mice for snakes from a facility that cares about its mice. The conditions in which they live, a diet conducive to optimum health, fresh water and air, enough room to move about and thrive—all help to ensure the best and freshest feeder mice for your reptiles. Find a company that will offer you a freshness guarantee by vacuum packing the mice and also offer reasonable and timely shipping.

For all of the finest in feeder mice for your snakes and reptiles check in with website. They raise their mice in the finest conditions and will be happy to give you suggestions and ideas for feeding your reptiles.

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