Social Security Attorneys in Chicago: Advocating for Your Rights to Social Security Benefits

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If you are looking for Social Security benefits before you reach the age of retirement, you need to prepare yourself for a struggle. Social Security benefits for those people who aren’t of retirement age are notoriously difficult to get. You may meet all the requirements for receiving Social Security disability, but it’s not uncommon for your request for benefits to be denied. If you have met all the requirements, yet you’re still denied, it’s usually a good time to speak with social security attorneys in Chicago IL.


Speaking with an attorney will help you determine whether you have a case to challenge the denial of benefits moving forward. If you do, the attorney handling your case will have a number of different avenues to pursue in getting your request for benefits approved.

Sometimes, it’s as simple as having the Social Security Administration revisit your request for benefits. The attorney may have to appeal to an advisory panel instituted by the administration to handle these sorts of situations. Perhaps one of the most extreme methods is bringing a lawsuit against the Social Security Administration. However, with so many different methods at their disposal, if you meet all the requirements and your application for benefits has been rejected, you can be assured that the attorney will do everything possible to ensure you get the benefits you deserve.

The chances are good that if you’re looking for Social Security benefits, you don’t have a great deal of money to spend. Fortunately, Social Security attorneys are barred from charging any fees unless the they win their case. In these situations, you may be due retroactive Social Security disability funds. The attorney will receive a portion of those retroactive funds; however, those funds will not come out of your pocket. They will be paid directly by the Social Security Administration, and you will still receive your full retroactive benefit payments.

If you have been denied benefits that you feel you deserve, Social Security Attorneys in Chicago like those at the Ankin Law Office can help. With their experience dealing with Social Security and their many avenues of advocating for you, you stand a good chance of getting the benefits you deserve as well as the financial assistance you need via Social Security disability payments.