Solutions Offered by Platelet Rich Plasma Injections Norman Therapy

by | Dec 6, 2013 | Healthcare

Since the discovery of Platelet Rich Plasma Injections doctors are able to treat many ailments using the patient’s growth factors. This platelet-rich plasma is obtained from the blood of the patient. Basically, this is blood plasma that contains an abundant quantity of important growth factors that repair injured tissues. In addition to providing growth factors to heal the body, platelets are also responsible for coagulation. This therapy has been used successfully to heal MLB players, NFL players and athletes of ankle and foot conditions such as heel pain, Achilles pain, chronic tendon injuries, vampire face lift ligament strains, animal tissue defects and joint inflammation. It is also used as a matrix graft.

The main advantage with this approach is that it uses your own blood. This minimizes the chances of complications during or after the procedure. The platelet rich plasma is injected into the injured area. This causes a cascade of inflammation that speeds up the process of healing. During the procedure, a small amount of your blood, equivalent to the amount used in blood tests, is drawn and placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge separates the plasma using a sterile technique. The plasma is then placed in a syringe ready for injection. The injection is performed under ultrasound. This helps the doctor to guide the injection into the injured area. After platelet rich plasma injections in Norman, the patient is allowed to remain active but is limited to low-impact exercises like swimming and biking.

The platelets in this injection contain multiple growth factors. These factors stimulate tissue growth by stimulating production of scleroprotein. The factors introduce differentiated cells to the injured tissue hence speeding its healing. In addition to this, the fibrinogen alpha in the plasma helps the newly produced cells to adapt to the environment. When combined with stem cells that are obtained from the bone marrow, the Platelet-rich plasma boosts multiplication of stem cells hence rapid healing.

To have Platelet Rich Plasma Injections Norman patients should visit a qualified doctor like Dr. Darryl D Robinson of spine and pain management center. He specializes in non-operative spine care and pain management with emphasis on institute target specific solutions, identifying pain generators and determining the appropriate curative rehabilitation program.

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