The correct way to store fine art

by | Dec 4, 2013 | Moving Services

It does not take much to ruin a piece of fine art, and if it is not totally destroyed the value can most certainly be adversely affected. When art is being moved from display to storage, there are a number of very important elements that must be taken into account. There are facilities that offer art storage in Los Angeles, their facilities have been designed and built with long term storage of valuable works of art in mind.

There are a number of things that must be taken into account; the two main issues are temperature and humidity. Both these must be kept stable, not to hot or cold; not to dry or humid. There is a very fine balance between what is right and what is wrong when it comes to art storage in Los Angeles area.

Over and above the temperature and the humidity one must consider environmental pollutants and light. If the art is destined for long term storage it must be protected almost as if it was being prepared for shipment. There are companies that provide specialized storage spaces that are ideal, they are environmentally balanced and well protected.

One of the results from increased humidity is the growth of mold; this can ruin a piece of art very quickly. As bad as high humidity is, low humidity can also have a negative impact on art, especially wooden frames which can easily crack and split.

If the art is going to be stored for an extended period, it is not advisable for it to be stored in the frame. When left in the frame the art is exposed to light and perhaps variances in heat and moisture. To eliminate the possibility of fading or material degradation it is always best to remove the canvas or paper, wrap it securely in acid free paper and store it flat in an enclosed steel file drawer. Once wrapped in paper the piece can be slipped into a large envelope case which distances it from adjoining art.

Although the environment is by far the most important consideration when art is stored, it is also important that it be monitored on closed circuit television around the clock. Although it is unlikely, these pieces of art must be protected against theft.

Art storage in Los Angeles is available for the short term or long term from ArtPACK. Once the art is ready to be withdrawn from storage ArtPACK will deliver it to its new destination.

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