The Difference Between Teeth Bleaching and Teeth Whitening

by | Oct 29, 2014 | Dentist

Did you know that there is a difference between teeth bleaching and teeth whitening? Many people use the terms synonymously, but they actually mean different things. If you’re struggling with stained teeth from coffee, tea, or cigarettes, you need to decide if you want your teeth whitened or bleached. Sometimes bleach is used during a whitening process, so differentiating between the two can get confusing. For professional teeth bleaching in Long Island, ask your dentist what options his office offers.

What Is Teeth Bleaching?

Bleaching involves the use of a specific strength of bleach. It could be a gel or paste that you apply to your teeth for an extended period of time. It is not applying straight bleach to your teeth because that is dangerous to both your general health and oral health. The difference between bleaching and whitening is that bleaching will actually take your teeth to a level of white much stronger than your natural color. If you’ve ever noticed someone who has an extremely white smile, they either engage in teeth bleaching or have bright veneers. It’s best to work directly with your dentist for teeth bleaching in Long Island because using the wrong strength, or using it for too long, can actually hurt the enamel.

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is essentially restoring a shade of whiteness to your teeth that looks natural. People who undergo a whitening process may not have a super white smile, but stains will be removed and the overall appearance of the smile will improve. Many of the over the counter whitening systems work to whiten the teeth and not bleach the teeth. That’s why some people feel these kits don’t work. They expect to see bright results rather than whitening over time and get frustrated. This can lead to giving up on the whitening process.

When you go for teeth bleaching in Long Island, make sure you tell your dentist the results you want. This will help your dentist determine whether you should have bleaching or whitening. Many dentists use laser whitening, which may work in conjunction with a bleaching gel to improve results, and this may be the perfect combination for your teeth. The level of staining will determine how many treatments you need, so always remember that it could take more than one treatment to see the shade of white you want.

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