The Importance of Proper Insulation for Your Home in Wichita KS

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Having the proper insulation is crucial for keeping your home energy efficient It is also important for helping you to avoid having your home be uncomfortable during hot or cold weather periods. If your home is not properly insulated, you could be wasting hundreds of dollars in energy costs. A lack of insulation will cause your home to be drafty and uncomfortable. If you are considering having your insulation replaced, there are now many options you can choose from.

Insulation Wichita KS has come a long way since the fiberglass pink offerings that were once the main option. Today, there are a wide array of options that allow you to be eco-friendly, while protecting your home and lowering your energy costs.

  • Cellulose insulation is made from shredded and puffed newspapers. Over 85% of the material is recycled, making it a good choice for protecting the environment. Cellulose is typically blown in dry and then sprayed damp. Once dry, cellulose has a higher R rating than fiberglass and is around the same cost.
  • Shredded cotton is also an eco-friendly option. Old jeans are shredded and then specially treated with a flame retardant. This material is installed much like the cellulose insulation. This has quickly become a popular choice for many homeowners.
  • Newer fiberglass insulation is made with higher amounts of recycled materials, making them more eco-friendly. To make this material safer, many manufacturers are now placing the fiberglass materials in special bags so the fibers never become airborne.
  • Mineral wool is crafted from slag and mined basalt rock. This material is naturally bug and pest-resistant. It is also resistant to fire and can help to sound-proof your home.

If you are considering the many options you have for Insulation Wichita KS, it is important you research each one and learn about the pros and cons they offer. If you are in need of new insulation for your home, contact NorthStar Comfort Services. They will survey your home and your needs to come up with the perfect insulation application for your home. Contact them today and schedule your appointment so you can get started on protecting your home. Visit website  for more information.