The Use of French Drain Installation for Your Home

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One of the biggest reasons for water problems in the basement is due to improper drainage around your home. Water has a tendency to flow downhill if possible. If the land on which your home rests is more level or tends to slope in any degree toward your home, you can develop water problems in your basement. One of the best ways to avoid these issues is with French drain installation. This will protect your home for the future by keeping your basement dry.

Water Flow

Depending on the way your land is laid out, the natural flow of water could lead directly to your home. When this happens, the water puts more pressure on the foundation of your home and increases the chances of a moisture problem or leakage into your basement. If you don’t change the natural flow of the water in some way, you can end up with more problems on your hands.

French Drains

One of the easiest ways to change this flow of water is with French drain installation. When you hire a professional waterproofing company to install your French drain, they will cut a trench through your property to lead the water away from your home. They will then install a pipe inside this trench and fill it in with gravel. The gravel will help filter the water into the pipe and away from your home.

How It Works

With a French drain, the water may still end up under your basement, but it won’t work its way inside because the drain will pull the water away quickly. The pipe will be located in the best place possible to collect the most water. The water will flow through the pipe with the assistance of a sump pump to ensure your basement remains dry.

There are many ways you can help protect your basement from water damage. If your home is located in a place where water naturally flows toward your home, French drain installation can be extremely helpful. With a French drain installed, the water that would normally find its way into your basement will be carried away from your home instead. This will ensure you have the dry basement you desire so you can store items down there and enjoy the basement like you always hoped.

Hydro Armor Inc. provides French drain installation service by naturally flowing water away from your home keeping your basement dry.