Types of Campus Advertising and How to Use It

by | May 15, 2014 | Business

When people think of campus advertising, they usually think of the campus newspaper. This is a great place to start, but it’s not the only option you have. Consider a-frame signs, bulletin boards, college radio, flyers, display cases and banners for more way to advertise on campus.

A-Frame Signs

If you have ever seen the caution signs warning you of a potentially wet floor, then you know what this sign looks like. Most people don’t consider these to advertising materials, but it is possible and can be beneficial. Putting your logo or information on both sides of the sign and placing it strategically is a great way to draw business. Just remember to take it down when the promotion ends or it becomes outdated.

Bulletin Boards

Placing signs and flyers on a bulletin board is a great way to advertise. However, these can sometimes become crowded with information, so use caution. This shouldn’t be your only advertising method, but it can be effective if placed correctly.

College Radio

Many times, college radio stations are more about talk than playing music. You could ask for a spot on your local college radio station and talk about a new product or new services you are offering. It is a great way to be heard by many college students and can really get your information out there.


Flyers are one of the easiest forms of campus advertising available. Create your design, print them out, and then hand them out on campus. Taking the time to be personable can really affect your ratings. People will want to visit your store because you give that personal touch that most companies have forgotten about. You can also hang signage around the school, as long as you get proper permission.

Places you can include these flyers are in cafeterias, libraries, walkways, welcome centers and inside any building that fits your target audience for the product you are advertising.

Display Cases

A display case is usually made of wood and glass. They can be locked or unlocked, and you can put almost anything you want in these. If you own a sweets shop, consider placing faux cupcakes or other treats with information on products you sell, hours, where you are located and a way to reach you. This is a great way to show off your talents and it is new and different, which will appeal to the college crowd.

Campus advertising has become a lot different than in the past.

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