Understanding A SMTP Relay Service

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Sometimes, as part of your business, you may have to learn some technical information that is bit outside of your typical knowledge of computers and information technology. However, if your business relies on communicating to your customers and potential customers using transaction emails and responders, newsletters or online targeted advertising then you need to know about more than just the basics. One important topic you need to understand is how a SMTP relay service can help your business.

What is an SMTP Relay?

In its most basic form an SMTP relay service, where the SMTP actually stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is an outgoing email service that allows the user to send multiple emails through a central configured server. The SMTP relay service is able to read the addresses and determine where on the internet the mail is to be delivered.

The actual relay part comes in when your SMTP server connects the recipient’s server to transfer the address, both the sender and the receivers, as well as the content of the email message. It is just like in a relay race where the baton, the email message in this case, is sent between the runners, or the SMTP server and the receiving server. However, this is just the first part.

What Does the SMTP Relay Service Do?

When you are sending out lots of emails an SMTP relay service acts like a third party so that when you are sending out large amounts of email your server doesn’t limit your ability to send emails. The SMTP relay service acts as a stand-in for your email system, but because it is set up to handle volume mailing and because you can choose the amount you want to pay to send there is never a problem.

All standard email systems and SMTP servers are set up to limit the number of emails to different addresses that go out from an email address per day. Once that limit is reached the outgoing emails simple are cut off, leaving them undelivered.

By using a SMTP relay service it handles all those bulk emails such as newsletters, sales invoices and confirmations, leaving your outgoing mail rate untouched. It is like an overflow system that you can hire to ensure that your emails are always delivered and not restricted by your email provider’s limitations.

We can provide a SMTP relay service for your business. To learn more see us online at visit us website.