What to Consider When Purchasing Car Insurance in New Haven CT

by | May 31, 2013 | Insurance

Purchasing car insurance is no easy feat. You want to make sure that you have the coverage you need at a price that you can afford. It can be easy to buy too much coverage and waste your money, or purchase to little and not have the coverage you need when an accident occurs. Don’t waste your time or money on subpar insurance. With a little research you can find an agent to help you locate the best possible coverage for your specific situation. Be sure you also consider these three tips before purchasing car insurance in New Haven CT. It can help save money and prevent a bad experience in the future.


The deductible is the amount of money you have to pay out of pocket when a claim is filed. A lower deductible requires less money be paid out during an accident, but can drastically increase your monthly premium. You should talk to your insurance agent so you can determine the best deductible for your risk and financial situation. Don’t overpay for your insurance by having a low deductible that doesn’t match you insurance needs.

Customer Service

You should verify that the insurance company you choose offers superior customer service. While you may do the majority of your work via an agent, you should ensure that should you need to conduct business with the insurance company that they will be able to handle it properly. Make sure their customer service is designed to make your future experiences better before you agree to move your insurance service.

Comprehensive Coverage

Another important thing to consider is the comprehensive coverage that accompanies your insurance policy. Comprehensive coverage is designed to ensure coverage in the event of hail or other natural damage, and in the event that your car is damaged by a driver who does not claim responsibility. Make sure the coverage you get has your best interest at heart at all times.

Don’t make buying car insurance harder than it has to be. Make sure you do the research you need to make a smart choice. It can save you money and keep you safe in the event of an accident.

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