When Should You See the Emergency Dentist in North Attleboro, MA?

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Dentist

There are many different conditions to alert you emergency dental care is needed. When you experience acute dental symptoms, it is important to see the dentist as soon as you can. Since dental office hours and patient loads can vary, this is not always possible. During dental emergencies, many dentists now offer same day dental services. This means you can see an emergency dentist in North Attleboro MA and get the prompt dental care your condition requires.

Reasons to See the Emergency Dentist

* Severe tooth pain — When a severe toothache strikes, you can be left feeling miserable. Often, it is hard to bring this type of pain under control, even when taking pain medications. Since tooth pain can be caused by injuries, infections and cavities, it is important you are treated as soon as possible, to rule out serious conditions and get treatment for the pain.

* Infections — Infections can occur in the teeth and gums, leading to dangerous conditions, if left untreated. This can also lead to progressive gum disease and tooth loss. The signs of infection include pain and redness, swelling, bleeding and pus drainage in the gums. If any you are experiencing any of these symptoms, prompt dental care is required.

* Broken dental appliances — When a crown, bridge or filling is damaged, you may have your tooth exposed to further damage and you can experience pain. When you have issues with your dental appliances, often you need to see a dentist right away so they can be repaired. Through the services of an emergency dentist in North Attleboro MA, you can have these items repaired and placed back on your teeth.

* Injuries — Injuries are normally one of the biggest reasons people see an emergency dentist. When a tooth becomes cracked, broken or even knocked out, you cannot wait on a dental appointment to seek treatment. Prompt dental treatment can allow you to stop further damage and prevent loss.

If you are in need of emergency dental services, contact the office of Atwill Conroy Dental Associates. Not only do they provide their patients with emergency services, but they also have a host of other dental treatments available, to keep your smile healthy.

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