Where to Find a 222972 Magazine Rack in Alabama?

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Electronic Parts Supplier

Magazine racks provide a great way to help organize a gun collection. They allow vertical storage of several different magazines, which can free up precious real estate in a gun safe or gun room. They can also help keep different types of magazines stored in different areas, which can be useful for those gun enthusiasts who believe it is important to rotate storage capabilities for magazines rather than store them, fully loaded, at all times.

Affordable Storage Options

However, while magazine racks are a fantastic storage solution, they can be somewhat expensive. The 222972 is an exception to that rule. Available for about half the cost of similar magazine racks, it provides budget-friendly storage. For more info about the 222972 Magazine Rack in Alabama, keep reading.

The Ammo Storage Debate

One of the primary questions gun enthusiasts have is about the best way to store ammo in magazines. The question is really about what is best for the springs in a magazine. Does storing a fully loaded magazine stress the springs and lead to more wear and tear on the parts, or does the loading and reloading associated with rotating stock lead to more problems?

There does not appear to be a consensus, but many gun enthusiasts believe it is better to store some magazines only partially loaded. They not only need a magazine rack capable of holding fully and partially loaded magazines but may also need multiple racks to easily differentiate between types of magazines.

The 222972

The 222972 is a great option because of several factors, including its price, versatility, and durability. The price point for the 222972 is always a pleasant surprise for first-time buyers because it is roughly half of what people expect to pay for a magazine rack that can hold 10 fully loaded AR-15 magazines. The versatility is also fantastic, as it can be mounted on doors or walls as well as standing straight on any flat surface. The vinyl-coated steel body means it is durable, holding up to 10 magazines loaded with up to 30 rounds each.

Organization and Safety

Safe storage may not be the most exciting part of gun ownership, but it is one way to ensure that weapons and ammo are accessible and ready to use when needed. Depending on what is in a gun collection, one of the best storage options may be the 222972 magazine rack in Alabama.

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