Why Do You Need to See the Dentists in Stratford, CT?

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Everyone knows that good oral health is important, but some do not realize just how important. Without the proper dental care, you can risk cavities and tooth loss. To avoid these conditions, it is important for you to eat healthy, brush your teeth after each meal and make sure that you floss at least once a day. This can go a long way towards keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Along with your care at home, it is also vital that you see your dentist on a regular basis. If it has been a long time since your last dental visit, you could be putting your oral health at risk,

Preventative care is one of the most important reasons to see the Dentists in Stratford, CT. Preventative care involves the examination, X-ray and cleaning of your teeth. This three step approach to dental care removes the plaque and food particles that can cause cavities. It also allows the dentist to spot any dental conditions and treat them before they cause lasting issues with your teeth and gums.

If you end up getting a cavity, the dentist can often save the tooth by applying a filling compound. It is important that the dentist is able to catch the cavity in time so that the damage does not expand and cause the tooth to become completely decayed. If you suspect that you are having any signs of cavities, make an appointment as soon as possible and have your tooth examined.


Dental injuries happen every day. They can occur at any age and for a variety of reasons. Whether you had your injury occur through sports, eating or an accident, your dentist can often take care of the damage. If the damage is in the form of a chip, crack or break, you may be able to have it corrected with a dental compound or a crown. If the damage is extensive, the tooth can be pulled and an implant can later take its place.

Knowing when and why you should go to the dentist is important for your oral health. Taking care of your dental needs in a prompt and timely manner can help to keep your smile as healthy as possible.