Why Paying Child Support is So Important

by | Nov 26, 2014 | Lawyers

For non-custodial parents, one of the primary ways to continue taking care of children is to stay up to date on all Child Support payments. Along with regular visits and taking a united stand with the custodial parent when the need arises, this one simple act is one of the most important ways to ensure the child has what he or she needs. Here are some reasons people may choose to withhold support, and why those reasons are of no value at all.

Difficulties with the Custodial Parent

If the relationship between the custodial and non-custodial parent is not civil, there is sometimes the temptation to stop making support payments until the primary caregiver begins seeing things in the same manner as the non-custodial parent. This type of power play accomplishes nothing but making a difficult relationship even more problematic. Keep making the payments and seek counselling to resolve those issues. Suspicions

That the Funds are Not Being Used for the Kids

If the non-custodial parent has reason to believe the Child Support is not being used to directly benefit the child, choosing to stop making payments may seem like a way to remedy the situation. A better approach is to work with legal counsel to determine if things are, in fact, the way they seem. Should any hard evidence emerge that the money is not going to take care of the kids, a lawyer will know the best way to proceed.

Denial of Visitation Rights

If the non-custodial parent is making it difficult to spend time with the children, choosing to withhold the support payments is not the way to deal with the situation. Instead, keep careful records of all attempts to schedule visits, the excuses given for denying the visits, and any statements related to constant rescheduling or outright denial of a visit. That information can be taken back to the court and appropriate action can be taken. In the meantime, make the payments so there is no question about the sincerity of the non-custodial parent to do actively support his or her children. There is no good reason to stop making support payments. If the non-custodial parent is not living up to the terms of the agreement, seek legal help. Doing so is in the best interests of everyone in the long run. Click here for more details.
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