4 Easy Steps to Lower Auto Insurance Quotes in Philly

by | Dec 13, 2013 | Insurance

Buying adequate car insurance in Philadelphia can be expensive, but it’s an unavoidable expense. Luckily, making a few smart moves before you talk to an insurance agent can result in significantly lower auto insuracne quotes in Pilly. Keep reading about the steps you should take to get a lower insurance premium, and talk to the agents at Imperial Agency for more information and affordable car insurance rates.

Check Your Credit

Before you begin shopping for car insurance, take the time to check up on your credit report. More and more, insurance agencies are using their customers credit scores to help determine Auto Insurance Quotes in Philly. If there are mistakes on your credit report, or your credit is less-than-perfect, you may be quoted a higher insurance rate. Making sure everything on your credit report is correct and up-to-date is a great first step in getting an affordable quote.

Take a Defensive Driving Course

In most cases, completing a defensive driving course can help you lower your insurance rates. These classes are affordable, typically take a weekend to complete and can be easily found in your area by contacting your local Department of Motor Vehicles. To insurance agents, safe drivers are considered low-risk customers, so taking one of these courses can lead to insurance discounts of around 10%.

Protect Your Car

In urban areas like Philadelphia, one of the most effective ways to get a lower car insurance quote is to outfit your vehicle with an anti-theft device. While any security device is likely to get you a discount, investing in a system with a passive disabling device or GPS is likely to save you the most money.

Bundle Your Insurance

The easiest way to get an immediate reduction on your insurance costs is to purchase all your insurance needs from the same provider. For example, buying your home and auto insurance from the same agency will get you a discount of around 10% from most insurance brokers. It’s also possible to bundle your auto insurance with other policies like life or renters insurance.

If you follow these steps, you can drastically reduce the cost of your car insurance policy. If you’re interested in further discounts, talk to an agent to discover even more ways to save.

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